Last Saturday in Tennessee, the temperature dropped into the 80s and we had zero humidity. It was so comfortable, that it got me thinking about outdoor spaces and college football season! Our current house has a pool but no covered deck or porch, unless you consider this pop-up porch (the previous sellers left us) a covered porch. I will totally admit that we have enjoyed the pop-up porch when we wanted a sun break, but it's not something that we want to keep long term.
We'd love to eventually add a covered deck. How far is that down the priority list? I'm not sure, but I know it's definitely not in the top three. It never hurts to dream, so here's what is catching my eye:
Designer: Bethany Nauert
Source: Style Estate
Source: Home Bunch
Source: Home Bunch Designer: Beth Webb Interiors
Source: HGTV
Designer: Castle Custom Homes
Source: Site House