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One Room Challenge, Fall 2017 Week 3: The Laundry Room

One Room Challenge 2017, week 3 plus one day. Yes, we are running behind here! No big surprise! There are times when Jenn and Jason, A.K.A. the weekend warriors, just can't get it all done and the past week was no different. During the last 8 days our project entailed sheetrock repair (cough cough), an overhead lighting update, the lock in for the puppy cabinet, painting, painting and more painting, and we almost finished up the cubbies!

It's hard to believe we are in week 3 and we still aren't totally finished with those cubbies. In order to be 100% finished with the cubbies we need:

1. another coat of paint

2. install the door hardware

3. the final trim-out

Rosie's sweet spot is installed and ready to go! She's only 7 months old, so we haven't acquainted her yet to her new plush sleep spot. I'm afraid she may reek a little havoc on her new space with those tiny teeth! I will say that we are pleased with how her doggie cabinet turned out and can't wait to unveil it. Remember some of those inspiration photos that I posted back in the summer?

Lighting was another job we can now cross off the list. I had our contractor take down the old fluorescent and replace with two pendants. I'm sure that it's no surprise I went shopping at Southeastern Salvage and was able to find some really cool pendants!

As far as plans for the next 7 days, I mean 6 days, we are:

  • locking in every cabinet

  • preparing for countertops template

  • installing door hardware

  • getting template complete for the countertops

  • painting

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