I can't let the first week of the new year slip away without a reflection on our favorite projects of 2017. We accomplished so much and always seemed to learn something new with each one. Here are 9 of our favorites, from the beginning of the year to the end!
1. Range Hood Installation: Although we hired a third party to install this range hood ,it was quite the ordeal. The first installer showed up without a diamond drill bit to drill into the wall of tile. The second installer realized that we needed additional fan part in order to have this hood function as a recirculating hood. On the third install attempt, the ordered part arrived cracked and was unable to be installed. Luckily, the fourth trial was a charm. So for something that was initially ordered in October 2016, it didn't actually get installed until January of 2017.

And over 8 weeks later........

2. The New House And The Bay Window: Probably one of my most favorite things in our current kitchen is the relocation of the sink to the bay window. We gave up the traditional kitchen table and chair seating to accomplish this, but in my opinion it was worth it!

3. A Functional Walk-In Pantry: When we moved in there was no true kitchen pantry, something this family of 6 really needs. We were able to tap into an existing hall coat closet to form a new walk-in pantry.

4.Floating Shelving: We were able to cross another item off our kitchen renovation to-do list when we finished these floating kitchen shelves!

5. A 55 Inch Barn Door: Our biggest barn door build for a client to date!

6. The Front Porch Update: Circa 1991, our porch needed a refresh. This meant new lighting, furniture, a new door color, and some amazing planters!

7. Our Laundry Room and Cubbies Before and After: And first ever guest participation as part of the Calling It Home One Room Challenge (which also put a 6 weekend deadline on this project)!

8. The Dining Room Gets A Refresh: The dining room got an update.......right when we needed it! Time to host for the holidays!

9. Favorite Client Project: We guessed that this client bonus room dated back to pre-1990. Old bookshelf, tired floors with a little dysfunction. We are happy to say that we helped bring this space to back to life with a updated bookshelf, uniform flooring, and a hip barn door!