Some clients purchased a house with me this summer..........Loved the house, hated the kitchen cabinets. From the real estate perspective, these cabinets were good enough for pictures and to draw clients in, but a closer look revealed new upper boxes paired with old lower boxes. Along with, and I quote my clients, "A DIY paint job gone wrong"! I have to agree. Old boxes, a terrible paint job, along with a few unusual spaces, it was time to call my team in.

After closing day the kitchen cabinet punch list was written:
1. New door faces with professional paint job

2. Case in the refrigerator

3. Get rid of the geometric thingy

And lastly......
4. New soft close hinges
So, with cabinet door style and material chosen and ordered, it was all hands on deck!
Now for the after:
Refrigerator is enclosed.....check!

New door faces and paint.....check!

Adios geometric thingy!

Before and After!
Hats off to my clients for their very own hard work! They painted the island the beautiful navy blue, installed the shiplap off the dining space and added the seasonal touches!

Are you in the market for buying or selling a home that needs some work? Give me a call and let's see how my team can assist you!
Design. Renovate. Buy. Sell. Live. - Jenn